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Click a link below to get more information on our committees, helpful links, and regional initiatives.

Executive Committee
Duties of the MWHN Executive Committee:
1. Provide governance oversight for the MWHN committees and TOP
2. Approve and/or develop the agenda for the TOP meetings
3. Act as the MWHN financial signing authority
4. Review and bring forward the annual budget to the TOP
5. Address business that arises between scheduled TOP meetings
6. Review and provide recommendations to the TOP regarding all contracts and expenditures
7. Provide monthly oversight and an annual performance review of the Coordinator position
8. Support the Coordinator in the demands of their role
9. Provide monthly written reports to the TOP
10. Meet monthly or as needed to facilitate the executive role
11. Incorporate indigenous practices when bringing the committee
together for meetings and discussions.
Executive Committee
Co-Chair: Pat Corbett-Labatt, District of Port Hardy
Co-Chair: Donna Merry, North Island College
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