Join the Network - Join a Committee!
"As a community we welcome the leadership of others - committees are about optimizing our efforts, connection, and support in creating healthier communities."
Click a link below to get more information on our committees, helpful links, and regional initiatives.

Committee Leads
Executive Committee
Co-Chair: Pat Corbett-Labatt, District of Port Hardy
Co-Chair: Donna Merry, North Island College
Senior's Elder's Better Living Committee
Chair: Postion Open
Secretary: Sandy McGregor, Village of Alert Bay
Wellness First
Co-Chair: Pat Corbett-Labatt, District of Port Hardy
Co-Chair: Fred Robertson, District of Port Hardy
Child & Youth Committee
Co-Chair: Christine Swain, Discovery Youth
Co-Chair: Chris Parker, NICCCS
Food Security Committee
Chair: Leslie Dyck, MW Community Food Initiative
Culture & Inclusion
The Culture and Inclusion Committee is facilitated by participation in the Island Health and First Nations Health Authority joint Cultural Safety Committee. This is on hold through COVID-19.
Health Services Communication Committee
Co-Chair: Alison Mitchell
Committees - How we work!
MWHN committees are divided topically for focus. Each committee has a chair who takes a lead position in the committee, and reports the activity of the committee to the Table of Partners on a monthly basis.
The committees and table of partners decide on the priority actions of the various committees by discussion and reaching a majority consensus. Priority action items are determined by:
•NEED - Degree of need demonstrated in communities, and the consequence of inaction
•MAXIMUM IMPACT - Ability to gather partners, share a vision, and impact as many people in as many communities as possible
•OPPORTUNITIES & TIMING - Will of Government and funders to financially partner and support any given initiative (if required)
•TIME REQUIREMENTS – Partner, volunteer & network time & resources
•TIMELINE - Short, medium and long term goals that may be associated with any proposed collective action
•PROBABILITY OF SUCCESS – Committees’ ability, based on all aspects of job, to complete task and have a positive outcome